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Scandinavian Secrets: Two duvets

You have to share so much in marriage: money, vacations, laundry, meals. And while most of it is nice, I’ve always found that sleeping arrangements seem more personal and individual. And the Scandinavians are right there with me. It’s very typical here to have your own (I guess twin-sized?) duvet here, even when you’re sharing […]

Our Life in Denmark: Week 24

Number of weeks living in Denmark: 24 Weather: Cloudy, misty and 67 F What I’m loving Foraging: I think my favorite part of summer here is the practice of foraging and savoring all of the fruit growing around us. My son and I must have gone to our local park (just a short walk away) […]

Our Fruitful Life in Denmark: Week 11

I’ll start off with a few important pieces of info: I haven’t written a blog post in over a year and I haven’t written consistently on here in several years (yikes! thanks becoming a parent/life/move). My family (husband, toddler, golden retriever and I) recently moved from North Carolina, USA to Copenhagen, Denmark to pursue a […]