Anyone else feel like the holidays are really sneaking up on them? I know, nothing new to be thinking about, but honestly. I feel like I just bought my first can of pumpkin this season a few weeks ago and BAM, it’s time to plan out Thanksgiving and Christmas, too. Let’s all take a deep […]
Thinking Fruitful
8 Top Recipes for 8 Years of Blogging
Today marks 8 years of blogging for me. Wow! I can almost just imagine my 8-years-younger self, mulling around my 1-bedroom apartment in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I was at a job that I hated. I worked 3:30-11:30 p.m. and my off days were during the week. That left me with lots of pockets of time by […]
Why You Need a New Nonstick Pan
Every cook…no, every person should have a go-to pan to cook with. And if you’re smart, you’ll have a nonstick one. Sure, there are other options than nonstick, but if you want something that food doesn’t stick to (imagine that!) and that doesn’t need a lot of fat, then nonstick should be your go-to. I […]
4th-Year Garden Update
Gardening is just great, in case you haven’t heard. It’s also a lot of work, but it teaches you about growth and hardship and nature and hard work and harvesting and celebrating. So much wrapped up in this daily task to make you feel more close to the earth. But anyway, I was excited to […]
Fruitful Friday Fun: My First Facial
A facial changed my (skin) life! It’s true! A few weeks ago, I got in my car with excitement and a bit of anxiety about my first-ever facial. My sister had suggested someone local she found online who used natural products, so I signed up for a slot online and hoped that it wouldn’t be […]