Thinking Fruitful

Hammontree’s Grilled Cheese

Who doesn’t love a grilled cheese? Even better, who doesn’t love a fancy grilled cheese made with amazing flavor combos and fresh, local ingredients? One of my favorite restaurants in Fayetteville (which is saying a lot since we have so many great places) is Hammontree’s on Dickson. It opened a few years ago and since […]

$1 for 8 meals

Lately I have been bitten by the talk show bug. I know, crazy, right?! I have never been one to enjoy daytime talk shows. Most of them just seem to be about a lot of things I don’t care about. But, this was all before The Chew began airing a few months ago.   Finally, a […]

Snickerdoodle Cookies

One of my favorite cookies has got to be snickerdoodles. They are easy to make, easy to share and oh so yummy. I would have to say that chocolate chip cookies are my absolute fave!   I worked at a bakery, called Ambrosia Bakery in Hot Springs, Ark. (, throughout high school. I have always […]