Thinking Fruitful

Pasta Carbonara

It’s  a weeknight. You don’t know what to make for dinner. You have spaghetti, bacon, eggs and tomatoes in your pantry and fridge. Well, it’s your lucky day because you’re about to have Pasta Carbonara for dinner. Pair it with some red wine, and it’s officially fancy pasta night. Harness your inner chef and make […]

Easy Gazpacho

It’s no secret around here that I love to eat soup, no matter the weather. But it’s also no secret that it is getting HOT where I live. I thought since I moved north from Arkansas to North Carolina that I would leave the humidity behind and be enjoying 75-degree summers. I was mistaken. It […]

Gluten-Free Blueberry Crisp

Last week, I shared these delicious gluten-free Quinoa Stuffed Peppers with you and talked about being flexible with cooking styles. Well, when I got the chance to make a gluten-free meal, I decided we definitely needed a dessert that we could all enjoy. I googled “gluten free desserts” and was happy to find Healther’s Dish […]

Front Porch Fireworks

This was the scene that I ended the evening on last night, sitting on my sister and brother-in-law’s porch, watching the neighbors’ colorful fireworks (and hearing their kids ooh and aah over them). I was also eating Peanut Butter Ice Cream Pie and drinking a Prairie Bomb (if you know what I’m talking about, then […]

Spinach Artichoke Grilled Cheese

I’ve been having this problem lately where I’m just not spending as much time as I used to on my food photos. And I know that I’m no professional (and I don’t even have a fancy dancy camera either), but I’ve kind of been skimping on the effort. You know why? Because when I get […]