It seems as the last of summer might be here. With all of these rain storms and cooler winds (and I hear school is starting back), it seems as though the seasons are showing signs of changing. But, thank goodness, I still have peaches and tomatoes and zucchini to buy at the farmer’s market. I […]
Thinking Fruitful
Easy Pimento Cheese
Remember Saturday when I jogged your mind about how delicious Pimento Cheese is…well, I hope I did. Well, today’s the day that you get the key to making easy food processor Pimento Cheese for you to eat with crackers, in sandwiches, on burgers, in grits and however else you want to eat it. Before this year, […]
Simple Saturday: Pimento Cheese Ideas
Since moving to NC, I’ve really gotten on the pimento cheese train. I would occasionally get on it before we moved, but now it’s everywhere and I love it! With this in mind, I started making my own Pimento Cheese a few weeks ago (which is so easy), which led me to discover even more […]
Thinking Fruitful: 5 Ways to Waste Less Food
The other day I ran across this article about what people around the world are doing to help our food waste problem. It’s really awesome that people are finding ways (and new technology) to get food that would be wasted to people who really need it. I definitely want to keep an eye on these projects […]
Creamy New Potatoes
When you read “a southern treat” what do you think? Are you imaging your grandmother’s tart lemon bars or maybe a summer’s best peach cobbler with homemade vanilla ice cream? I can definitely see my mind going down those paths. But, in this case, this southern treat is not of the sweet variety…but it is […]