
Banana Muffins

About a year ago, I gave up on muffins. I would save dozens of recipes for the perfect muffins, then I would spend a good time baking them and just never be floored. And they would have a ton of sugar in them, or take a lot of work, or all go bad when I […]

Overnight Oats

Well, a glorious thing happened today. The weather was 70 degrees, and the sun actually came out! I know! What is this? Spring or something? I am so ready for spring, but it looks like we might still have a bit of winter (thanks, Punxsutawny Phil). In that case, we’re going to need some comforting breakfasts […]

Simple Saturday: Grits

I still can’t believe that some people in the South haven’t tasted grits. If you’re one of those people, then you probably don’t live in North Carolina because we’ve got grits everywhere around here. Whenever I married my husband, we had shrimp and grits at our wedding, and his family had never had grits before. […]