Hello there!
My name is Grace, and I am so happy that you’ve stumbled upon my little food blog: think fruitful.
I am a marketing writer by trade, but when I’m not correcting grammar, I love to cook, eat, explore new foods, read mystery novels and travel. I am married to Jason, a fabulous illustrator, designer and risotto-maker, and we moved to Raleigh, North Carolina in 2014 after living in Fayetteville, Arkansas for three years.
In my free time, I’m also web media manager for Firefall International.
My favorite food is mashed potatoes.
I have a crazy sweet tooth…you’ll find me posting a lot of amazing desserts on here.
I have been to 14 countries (the last one being Scotland), and one of the highlights of my life was studying abroad for a semester at Oxford University in England.
I have the most wonderful family and talk on the phone with each member at least once a week.
I enjoy rocking the bob haircut!
Enough about me, here’s some info about Fruitful:
How think fruitful began:
I began food blogging in October 2011 out of a desire to have a creative outlet for my writing and cooking. I grew up in a family that loves food and cooking and usually plans any get-together trip around food. I was hooked on the Food Network at a young age (watching Mario Batali and the original Iron Chef in Japan) and I have always had a fascination for the way food brings people together and makes people feel so loved and whole. Although this blog isn’t meant for just fruit, the name comes from a desire and hope for the blog inspire you to make your life more full and fruitful.
What will you find on think fruitful:
I hope you will find simple recipes and food ideas to make it easier for you and your family to have quality time at the breakfast, lunch or dinner table together. I also hope that you will be challenged to try some new things, new restaurants and take a few culinary adventures with me on the way. I also post about budgeting, travel and other subjects that are slightly related to food.
How can you get in touch with me:
Please feel free to comment on any blog post (I love hearing from you) or you can find think fruitful on Facebook and me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, or you can email me at gracecflack@gmail.com.
P.S. Thanks to Cavalier Photography for the photos you see above. And thanks to Kyle Blair for my beautiful hand-drawn logo. And lots of thanks to Laurel Streng for the incredible site design.