A facial changed my (skin) life! It’s true!
A few weeks ago, I got in my car with excitement and a bit of anxiety about my first-ever facial.
My sister had suggested someone local she found online who used natural products, so I signed up for a slot online and hoped that it wouldn’t be like when I went to the dermatologist as a teen and was reprimanded for my acne.
On it’s best days, my skin is oily and blackhead-ey, in my eyes, so I was hoping she wouldn’t hold that against me.
And she didn’t!
She spent time getting to know me and my skincare routine, while making super helpful suggestions for how to improve my skincare, as I desired.

Here were some of the helpful things I learned:
- Pay attention to your type of skin– I didn’t realize I was using a moisturizer for dry skin, when, in fact, I have combination skin (part oily, part dry).
- A little investment in natural products pays off– My facialist suggested I try evanhealy’s line of organic skincare, and they even carry it at Whole Foods. I got a travel pack to try it all and then ended up getting the full size of cleanser and moisturizer because I love it so much!
- Put moisturizer on before bed– This may be a “well, duh” to many of you, but I had no clue that I could just use my same morning moisturizer after cleansing at night. It was nice to know that I don’t necessarily need to get a special night cream.
I can definitely recommend facials, and I can highly recommend the products I’ve been using. I mean, they make my face smell like an English garden, so who can complain about that?!
Just another lesson in the importance of self-care, and that it’s never bad to treat yourself when it can positively impact your overall health.