Simple Saturday: Moscow Mule

moscow mule

It is really is crazy that in almost four years of blogging I haven’t posted a Moscow Mule recipe.

Well, thanks to my brother-in-law getting those fancy copper cups and making us one (and me taking a second to photograph it), the recipe is finally here!

You have probably already noticed by now that we love ginger beer and all things ginger. We try to always have a few bottles of ginger beer around the house, so a delicious cocktail is only a few ingredients away.

moscow mule


For this one, all you need is:

  • Ginger beer
  • Lime
  • Vodka
  • Mint (if you’re feeling like a fancy bartender)

That’s it for a simple, refreshing and satisfying drink.

If you haven’t tried one, it must go on your weekend to-do list (and invite friends over)!

Here’s how you make it:

1. Fill your copper mug (or glass) halfway with ice.

2. Add in the juice of 1/2 lime and 1 1/2-2 oz. of vodka.

3. Top it off with a cold bottle of ginger beer and stir.

4. Garnish with a wedge of lime and a sprig of mint.