How to Find Recipes

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I often get asked how I find recipes and thought all of you out there might like to know.

First of all, I straight up love looking at food blogs.

Bloglovin helps me keep up with all of my favorite blogs (like Shutterbean, Joy the Baker, Smitten Kitchen, Pinch of Yum and A Beautiful Mess) and what they’re cooking and eating each week.

I’m usually on the hunt for simple recipes with a bit of a flavor flare. I also look for short ingredient lists and recipes that contain things that are already in my pantry or fridge.

When I’m done looking at some blogs and saving some recipe ideas there, I head over to foodgawker to look at what amazing cooks/photographers have been coming up with. This site has thumbnails of thousands of recipes and food posts for you to get inspired by.

When I find a recipe I think I might try, I save it on the platform I’m using (bloglovin or foodgawker) and if I’m just browsing the web on my own, I email a copy of the recipe to myself. This just helps me keep lots of recipes in one place and I can search for them easily that way, too. I also like keeping a Note in my phone with a short list of Entrees, Desserts and Others with my favorite finds that I would like to cook soon.

I am also a subscriber of Bon Appetit and Real Simple.

And I’ve got a few new cookbooks laying around, which I need to start cooking out of like Joy the Baker Cookbook, Biscuits and The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year of Holidays.

And every blue moon, I get an idea like my Kale, Bacon, Goat Cheese Quiche that’s born out of my own food brain and I use an old quiche recipe as a guideline and make it my own.

How do you find new recipes?