Ingredient of the Month: Ginger

Ginger root

Hello out there!

I hope you are staying bundled up and with hot tea or coffee in hand on this chilly Saturday (if it is in fact chilly where you are).

Today, I’m kicking off a new monthly series called “Ingredient of the Month”. I love finding new ingredients to try and share with you, so I hope this is a fun way for us to explore new things together.

This month, ginger has totally been on the brain.

I guess with the cold weather and it being the time of year that you hold on to good health, ginger is a winter hero!


Tell me more:

Ginger can be used in so many different forms. Ginger root, ground ginger, crystallized ginger and ginger in tea flavors are some of my favorite ginger-things. Today, we’ll be focusing on the ginger root. It is a brown, nobby-looking plant that when peeled (with a knife or peeler) has a yellow pulpy inside that can be grated (I use my microplane), chopped, etc.

Ginger is super good for you and can be used to help with a variety of stomach problems like nausea and morning sickness.

Where do I buy it:

You can buy ginger root at most grocery stores (usually in the produce section), and it is quite cheap. I usually buy mine at Trader Joe’s, and I think it’s about $1 for a 5- or 6-inch piece. Look for ginger root that is firm with a smooth skin.

Where do I store it:

I store my ginger in the fridge, and if I’ve cut into a piece, I put it in a plastic baggy in the fridge. I’ve also heard you can store grated ginger in the freezer.

How do I use it:

There are so many ways to use fresh ginger root, but here are a few ideas:

I hope you are excited about this Ingredient of the Month as I am!

Have you ever tried using ginger root? What ways do you like to use the ingredient of the month?

Comment below with your answers, so we can get this ginger party started!