Dinner Parties and Lumpia

How fun are dinner parties?

We all love them right?

And they’re even more fun when you get to attend one and someone else hosts.

It’s such a sweet privilege to be hosted in someone’s home and eat their food and even better when you get to learn how to make their food!

This was the premise of a recent church group ladies night that I got to be a part of.

My wonderful friend, Myra, invited a group of us over to eat Filipino food, learn how to make lumpia (Filipino egg rolls) and we could bring recipes to teach others, too.

We had a Citrus Rosemary Cocktail and Mojitos (made by yours truly, recipe to come soon), then Lumpia, Chicken Adobo, Pancit (a noodle and vegetable dish), amazing Fried Rice and finished it off with Apple Dumplings and Ice Cream.

What a night! And it was surrounded with fun chats and laughter.

And we even got to learn how to mix the filling for lumpia, roll them up and take them home to freeze and save for a quick dinner some night.

These little crispy, comforting rolls take egg rolls to a whole new level. They’re packed with flavor (like garlic, red onion and soy sauce) and they have an amazing crunch.

It was such a joy to spend time with women who shared my love of cooking, eating, talking, laughing and learning.

Yeah for dinner parties and when I finally host a cool one, I’ll make sure to post about it!

Feel free to leave your dinner party hosting tips below.

*Click on recipe card to enlarge or right click to save.